The Governance Report

Climate Change Act and the role of local government
South Africa’s response to addressing climate change has come full circle with the passing of the Climate Change Act in July 2024. This breakthrough comes at a time when South Africa is warming by approximately 0.2°C per decade, contributing to climate impacts ranging...
Expert Analysis
2024 Mozambique Election Tracker
It’s time to book for the 2024 ESG Africa Conference
It's time to book for the ESG Africa conference, an event hosted by ESG Africa Events in partnership with GGA. The 2024 conference will be held at...
Law must evolve as politics changes
Governance and politics often go hand in hand in a delicate balancing act. Governance in its most basic form is about the allocation of resources;...
2024 Mozambique Election Tracker
It’s time to book for the 2024 ESG Africa Conference
It's time to book for the ESG Africa conference, an event hosted by ESG Africa Events in partnership with GGA. The 2024 conference will be held at...
Law must evolve as politics changes
Governance and politics often go hand in hand in a delicate balancing act. Governance in its most basic form is about the allocation of resources;...
Addressing Zambia’s Water Security Challenges
This policy briefing outlines the scale of Zambia’s current water crisis and examines its impact on agriculture, the environment, and the economy....
Here you’ll find up-to-date Covid-19 stats provided by the WHO COVID-19 DASHBOARD and in-depth reporting on the governance around Covid-19

The deep roots of the Cabo Delgado conflict
MULTIMEDIA STORY The present conflict in northern Mozambique, in the region of Cabo Delgado, has its roots partly in ethnic tensions that were exacerbated by clashing loyalties during the war of independence and the subsequent actions of the liberation party, FRELIMO....
SADC extraordinary summit on Cabo Delgado
Crisis meeting on the insurgency in Cabo Delgado The Southern African Development Community (SADC) held an Extraordinary Double Troika Summit, in...
The nexus between violent extremism and the illicit economy in northern Mozambique
Is Mozambique under siege from international organised crime? Published within the Extremisms in Africa anthology series, this chapter by Dr Linos...
Disentangling violent extremism in Cabo Delgado province, northern Mozambique – challenges and prospects
Published within the Extremisms in Africa anthology series, this chapter by Blessed Mangena and Dr Mokete Pherudi provides an overview of the...
SADC extraordinary summit on Cabo Delgado
Crisis meeting on the insurgency in Cabo Delgado The Southern African Development Community (SADC) held an Extraordinary Double Troika Summit, in...
The nexus between violent extremism and the illicit economy in northern Mozambique
Is Mozambique under siege from international organised crime? Published within the Extremisms in Africa anthology series, this chapter by Dr Linos...
Disentangling violent extremism in Cabo Delgado province, northern Mozambique – challenges and prospects
Published within the Extremisms in Africa anthology series, this chapter by Blessed Mangena and Dr Mokete Pherudi provides an overview of the...
Empowering local communities to prevent violent extremism in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique
Published within the Extremisms in Africa anthology series, this chapter by Leigh Hamilton and Rami Sayed focuses on the spread of Islamist ideology...
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