South Africa
All-out war over land and water

All-out war over land and water

The African Union is mobilising resources to help members implement the Paris Agreement, but funding challenges abound. Land erosion, drought and desertification, flooding, the Sahara Desert expanding southward at a...

Time for a low-carbon economy

Time for a low-carbon economy

The business case for greening the extractive industry is strong, especially with the growing trend of ethical investing. Everything we consume has its origins in either agriculture or the extractive industries. Our...

Can carbon trading work in Africa?

Can carbon trading work in Africa?

Carbon emissions: room to grow There’s big potential for Africa to participate in international carbon markets given its ability to contribute to greenhouse gas mitigation Carbon emissions trading is a market-based...

A clear and present threat

A clear and present threat

Climate change: perceptions and experiences Although nearly 60% of Africans are aware of climate change, some of the continent’s most influential countries lag behind in widespread awareness Across the continent,...

Demystifying the science

Demystifying the science

An African NPO combines traditional investigative reporting techniques with data analysis and geo-mapping to help track eco-offences. South Africa has laws and processes that cater for public participation in the...

Citizens tired of being played for a fool

Citizens tired of being played for a fool

There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, "fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.” We have former United States president George...