Over a third of the world’s mineral reserves are found in Africa. With the global shift towards a green energy transition, Africa is in an opportune position to meet the demand for critical raw materials required for moving away from hydrocarbon dependence.  

Endowed with critical minerals such as cobalt, lithium, copper, platinum group metals, manganese, chrome and nickel, Africa should leverage its resources to meet the needs of a low-carbon future while ensuring it meets its development goals. Yet, evidently, there remains a strong correlation between natural resource wealth and poor development outcomes. Thus, as we celebrate Africa Day, we reflect on the Africa Mining Vision (AMV), a vision that aims to promote transparent, equitable and optimal exploitation of Africa’s mineral resources for its people.  

To this end, Good Governance Africa’s Natural Resource Governance (NRG) Programme advocates an AMV that is implemented with great transparency and accountability, that enables sustainable development for all Africans. As such, our applied research aims to provide governance and policy solutions to both government and private sectors that can enable both sectors to capitalise on opportunities created by trends in green industrialisation and energy revolution technologies. For more insights on our research work, please see here