The Governance Report

SONA – the good, the bad, the ugly

SONA – the good, the bad, the ugly

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s latest State of the Nation Address (SONA),  on 9 February 2023, was memorable because it was delivered in a decisive and clear, almost authoritative manner. The president struck a useful combination of being emphatic and empathetic. He was...

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Expert Analysis

No country, no future

No country, no future

The bleak plight of stateless children in South Africa The Bill of Rights states that every child has the right to a name and a nationality from...

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5th Annual GRC Africa 2020

5th Annual GRC Africa 2020

With the changing compliance landscape, the need for professionals with data protection knowledge has never been greater. For example, the new...

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COVID-19: Corona cases triple in precarious Zimbabwe

COVID-19: Corona cases triple in precarious Zimbabwe

On 23 March, 2020 Zimbabwe recorded its first coronavirus (COVID-19) casualty, national broadcaster Zororo Makamba. The renowned and highly influential 30-year-old journalist contracted the virus during a visit to New York, and his subsequent passing created widespread panic resulting in a quick call-to-action.

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Africa in Fact C-19 blog series: Theme 1: Leadership Style

Africa in Fact C-19 blog series: Theme 1: Leadership Style

On 28 May, Ethiopia marked the 29th anniversary of the fall of a military Marxist government in May 1991. It was also a day when the country marked its highest increase in the number of people who have contracted the COVID-19 virus since the first case was reported in March this year.

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Here you’ll find up-to-date Covid-19 stats provided by the WHO COVID-19 DASHBOARD and in-depth reporting on the governance around Covid-19


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