The ruling ZANU-PF is unlikely to use its majority in parliament to push for a diaspora vote anytime soon According to the United Nations, at least one in three – an estimated 258 million – people are living in a...

The ruling ZANU-PF is unlikely to use its majority in parliament to push for a diaspora vote anytime soon According to the United Nations, at least one in three – an estimated 258 million – people are living in a...
The media: no place to hide Journalism is a high-risk job for African reporters, who are often not only undertrained and underpaid but also face jail, injury, even death A promising young journalist told me of covering...
The arms industry: fuelling conflict The world’s biggest arms fair, which turned 20 in 2019, is lauded as a ‘fantastic showcase’ by its British hosts, but critics strongly disagree The Defence and Security Equipment...
Poaching: the big guns South Africa’s game reserves have been hard hit by an intensive campaign of poaching and wildlife crime The rampant increase in wildlife poaching has been widely acknowledged as one of the...
African leadership: the golden age The continent’s current crop of leaders is more acquiescent than their post-colonial predecessors in dealing with external attempts at unwarranted interference Former Nigerian...
By Louise Redvers Angola is Africa’s fifth largest economy, its second producer of crude oil, a magnet for foreign direct investment and the custodian of one of the continent’s biggest sovereign wealth funds....