Whereas the concept of “good governance” has a long history in politics, government policies, and anti-corruption activism, “inclusive governance” is a more recent adoption in political and international development. ...
Whereas the concept of “good governance” has a long history in politics, government policies, and anti-corruption activism, “inclusive governance” is a more recent adoption in political and international development. ...
Peace and security: youth Young people must be at the centre of all of Africa’s plans and processes to create sustainable peace and development In 2015 the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2250, which recognises...
SDGs: overview Although African countries lag behind in implementing SDGs, the 17 goals are being institutionalised around the continent By Osita Agbu Today, the world is faced with developmental problems, many of...
SDG 2: zero hunger Policies are at the core of eradicating hunger and many African countries are now aligning the SDGs with national development plans By Esther Ngumbi Despite the progress made over the past few...
SDG 3: healthy lives and wellbeing for all Applying global SDG targets to Africa is counterproductive and fails to recognise the continent’s actual achievements By Paul Adepoju In 2015, the United Nations General...
SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth The ogre of corruption looms over Africa, reducing the continent’s chance of meeting SDG 8 by 2030 By Tom Osanjo According to the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the Sustainable...