The Sudan is the third largest country in Africa after Algeria and the Democratic Republic Congo measuring a little over 1.8 million km2. The large parts of the landmass of the country are dominated by deserts in the north, semi desert in the west and arid mountains along the Red Sea coast and in its eastern frontiers.1 Compared to its land size, the population size of the Sudan, however, is relatively small. It is ranked the tenth in Africa standing at 45 million as of 2021.2 A great majority of the people of the Sudan profess in Islam.
Executive Director - GGA-Eastern Africa |  + posts

Zerihun Mohammed holds a PhD from University of Cambridge in Human Geography. He accumulated extensive experience working for more than three decades at various academic, governmental and non-governmental organizations as expert, practitioner and researcher. As a practitioner, Zerihun worked for different local and international NGOs, including SOS-Sahel (UK) and ACORD (UK) in Ethiopia. He also thought at Hawassa University, Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources. Before joining GGA, Zerihun was working at Forum for Social Studies (FSS), a leading Think-tank in Ethiopia, as a Senior Researcher, where he published and edited a number of research works. Currently, Zerihun is serving as an Executive Director of Good Governance Africa-Eastern Africa Regional office at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

 Dr Fekade Terefe is an Assistant professor of Political Science & International Relations at Addis Ababa University and a Programme Officer at GGA-EA.