Helen Grange
Helen Grange is a seasoned journalist and editor, with a career spanning over 30 years writing and editing for newspapers and magazines in South Africa. Her work appears primarily on Independent Online (IOL), as well as The Citizen and Business Day newspapers, focussing on business trends, women’s empowerment, entrepreneurship and travel. Magazines she has written for include Noseweek, Acumen, Forbes Africa, Wits Business Journal and UJ Alumni magazine. Among NGOs she has written or edited for are Gender Links and INMED, a global humanitarian development organisation.
Africa’s kleptocrats enable illegal forestry

Africa’s kleptocrats enable illegal forestry

Illegal forestry in Africa thrives where there is conflict and where law enforcement is weak. About 30% of Africa’s forests are fast disappearing because of illegal logging and timber trade, according to the African Union. The unseen effects may be far more...

Why has corruption increased after the Zondo report?

Why has corruption increased after the Zondo report?

The glaring inaction that followed the Zondo Commission report, with no arrests or consequences for people named in it two years after it was published, came under the spotlight recently at the 4th annual Southern African Institute of Government Auditors (SAIGA)...

‘Budgeted corruption’ deepens Africa’s woes

‘Budgeted corruption’ deepens Africa’s woes

Among the highest salaries in the world are those of public servants, many of them in African countries struggling with grinding poverty, underdevelopment and stagnant economies. At the pinnacle of every public service are elected officials topped by presidents, whose...

The invisible menace of Emfuleni’s water and air pollution

The invisible menace of Emfuleni’s water and air pollution

The by-now notorious rubbish tips and contaminated waterways that plague the townships of Emfuleni in southern Gauteng—thanks to broken-down wastewater infrastructure and neglectful refuse removal—are what is visible to the naked eye. The invisible impact of it on...

Helen Grange
Helen Grange is a seasoned journalist and editor, with a career spanning over 30 years writing and editing for newspapers and magazines in South Africa. Her work appears primarily on Independent Online (IOL), as well as The Citizen and Business Day newspapers, focussing on business trends, women’s empowerment, entrepreneurship and travel. Magazines she has written for include Noseweek, Acumen, Forbes Africa, Wits Business Journal and UJ Alumni magazine. Among NGOs she has written or edited for are Gender Links and INMED, a global humanitarian development organisation.
Why has corruption increased after the Zondo report?

Why has corruption increased after the Zondo report?

The glaring inaction that followed the Zondo Commission report, with no arrests or consequences for people named in it two years after it was published, came under the spotlight recently at the 4th annual Southern African Institute of Government Auditors (SAIGA)...

‘Budgeted corruption’ deepens Africa’s woes

‘Budgeted corruption’ deepens Africa’s woes

Among the highest salaries in the world are those of public servants, many of them in African countries struggling with grinding poverty, underdevelopment and stagnant economies. At the pinnacle of every public service are elected officials topped by presidents, whose...