Getting back the elusive youth vote

Getting back the elusive youth vote

There are many contestations over the definition and constitution of ‘youth’. In South Africa, according to the recent National Youth Policy, those within the age group of 15-34 make up more than a third (34.7%) of the...

C-19: Work and Jobs in Kenya

C-19: Work and Jobs in Kenya

In 2019, no less than 38.57% of young Kenyans (or 5,341,182 of 13,777,600) were out of work, according to census data. Article 260 of Kenya’s Constitution defines a youth as a person aged between 18 and 34. Even those...



A GGA RESPONSE MAY 2020 CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND YOUTH FORMATION Recommendations on child and youth advocacy, ECD centres and the implementation of the proposed Department of Basic Education Response Document On 19 March,...