South Africa
This is your time

This is your time

Media: women in the news Although there are still relatively few women occupying leadership positions in African media organisations, that is changing in countries like Nigeria and Kenya Africa has a perennially poor...

A quest for unchecked power

A quest for unchecked power

Press freedom: the fiercest battle How South African private media played a pivotal role in mobilising civil society to expose a corrupt president and his cronies What is it to be an “African journalist”? Working in...



A GGA RESPONSE MAY 2020 PATROLLING DURING A PANDEMIC Recommendations to the South African Police Service and South African National Defence Force during the COVID-19 deployment On 5 March, 2020, the Minister of Health,...



A GGA RESPONSE APRIL 2020 Establishing a risk profile of socio-economic vulnerability in South Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic using GGA survey data (2017-2019) To assist with the emergency response to COVID-19,...

The Art Of Purposeful Activity

The Art Of Purposeful Activity

Sunday evening, 22 March, and President Cyril Ramaphosa made the announcement: South Africa was on a 21-day lockdown. The daily commute and face-to-face conversations with colleagues and beneficiaries were abruptly...

Opaque and difficult to quantify

Opaque and difficult to quantify

Light weapons: a roadmap Africa has made some innovative interventions to reduce illicit small arms flows, despite a scarcity of data and challenges on several fronts A member of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement...