A long way from home

A long way from home

The ruling ZANU-PF is unlikely to use its majority in parliament to push for a diaspora vote anytime soon According to the United Nations, at least one in three – an estimated 258 million – people are living in a...

Africa’s technological arms race

Africa’s technological arms race

Digital surveillance: real and present danger Telecommunications snooping has emerged as a fundamental threat to African journalists Many journalists and researchers will remember the mid-2000s as halcyon days, when a...

Media freedom under siege

Media freedom under siege

African governments are using anti-state, false news and cybercrime laws in their attempts to silence journalists Cameroon news anchor Samuel Wazizi, one of 39 journalists jailed in sub-Saharan Africa, according to the...

Telling the story from both sides

Telling the story from both sides

Peace journalism: West Africa Conflict-sensitive journalism must ensure inclusive and impartial coverage, with the media fulfilling a role as “appeasers” The media today have a considerable influence in society. They...