Press freedom: the fiercest battle How South African private media played a pivotal role in mobilising civil society to expose a corrupt president and his cronies What is it to be an “African journalist”? Working in...

Press freedom: the fiercest battle How South African private media played a pivotal role in mobilising civil society to expose a corrupt president and his cronies What is it to be an “African journalist”? Working in...
Markets around the world are adopting the environmental, social and good governance agenda, but “integrated reporting” faces problems in Africa By Richard Jurgens In August 2012 police fired on a crowd of striking...
The International Criminal Court (ICC) charges against Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashir, have shaped Sudanese domestic politics and the country’s external relations for more than half a decade — sometimes in...
Kenya is on track to almost triple its foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in 2016 as compared to 2014 on the strength of renewed investor confidence, the Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest) says. FDI inflows...
The number of private universities operating in Africa is growing, and the sector is generating a groundswell of interest among investors. In 1960 there were seven private universities in Africa, according to a 2012...
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production African governments show little interest in coming up with sustainable waste management strategies By Charles Kimani Waste generation rates are rising across the world....