Good Governance Africa

Chasing money away

A raft of legislation introduced in Namibia since last year may have the opposite effect from the one claimed Since taking office on March 21st last year, President Hage Geingob’s administration has cast itself as...

Opportunity knocks

Kenya is enjoying a boom in foreign investment, but corruption and political instability still pose risks Kenya is on track to triple its foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in 2016 as compared to 2014 on the...

A precarious stability in Madagascar has not restored investor interest November 19th last year, a group of potential investors gathered in the rarefied surroundings of Lancaster House in London, a stunning 19th...

Against the odds

The resource-rich Central African Republic faces major obstacles to development The capital of the Central African Republic (CAR), Bangui—hardly a Paris in the jungle—one encounters a nation without even the...

Ethnicity fuels bad governance

Ethnicity fuels bad governance

Decades of family rule in Togo country have resulted in very little development Ethnicity has been an important political tool for the family that has ruled Togo for nearly half a century. The current president, Faure...