Africa is an opportunity, not a problem

Africa is an opportunity, not a problem

Advocacy for a new vision of Africa-US relations Most African countries gained independence in the early 1960s and have struggled to find their place in an international system where the most significant rules of the...

A real threat to national security

A real threat to national security

Endgame: health after lockdown African countries must realise that resilient public healthcare systems are a human security issue and vital for stable government On 11 March, the World Health Organization (WHO)...

Largely on their own – again

Largely on their own – again

Indigenous peoples: the struggle continues COVID-19 is just the latest challenge that the San and other marginalised groups have had to face On New Year’s Eve 2019, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission discreetly...

Healthcare on call

Healthcare on call

Ghana: mHealth Mobile healthcare services are making inroads into rural Ghana, offering people a chance to get essential healthcare services for the first time The International Labour Organization estimated in 2015...