The African Union is mobilising resources to help members implement the Paris Agreement, but funding challenges abound. Land erosion, drought and desertification, flooding, the Sahara Desert expanding southward at a...

The African Union is mobilising resources to help members implement the Paris Agreement, but funding challenges abound. Land erosion, drought and desertification, flooding, the Sahara Desert expanding southward at a...
Africa has vast untapped sources of hydroelectricity but climate change, particularly droughts, raises questions about sustainability. Hydroelectricity has an attractive appeal for Africa. It can provide a baseload - a...
Prior to the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Cameroon, an oil exporter with a bloated bureaucracy, was still reeling from the 2014-2016 oil price collapse – one of the most significant oil price slumps in modern...
Africa: the data The Africa Rising narrative is an example of how a number or a small set of statistics can be both informative and misleading By Alfred Mthimkhulu What does the data tell us? This can be a very...
SDG 7: affordable and clean energy Africa is making progress with efforts to provide people with electricity, but much more needs to be done to advance the use of cleaner cooking By Joe Walsh As a whole, Africa has...
SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth The ogre of corruption looms over Africa, reducing the continent’s chance of meeting SDG 8 by 2030 By Tom Osanjo According to the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the Sustainable...