


For just R50,00 per month, you receive authoritative, fact-based content that covers contemporary socio-economic and political issues across the continent, promoting good governance and the rule of law.


Available in three digital formats on GGA’s website, we make it easy for you to make sense of the most important topics covering the state of governance on the African continent.


Our subscribers qualify for complimentary access to an unmatched selection of events, offers and experiences, including access to our blended digital analysis platforms featuring interviews with GGA thought leaders and influencers.



ADD is a searchable databank product that ingests disparate data into one databank with API functionality and metadata coding. Using ADD will save researchers time and money.


Instead of having to retrieve, clean and re-structure data from disparate sources, we offer a single, integrated bank of clean data sourced from multiple datasets.


Not only will your receive the benefit of data-driven bespoke visualisations and business intelligence, your subscription will afford you complimentary access to an unmatched selection of events, offers and experiences, including access to our blended digital analysis platforms featuring interviews with GGA thought leaders and influencers.

Africa in Fact FAQ

We answer your questions about subscriptions, email newsletters, apps, e-editions, contact details and more…

Africa in Fact (AIF) is Good Governance Africa (GGA)’s flagship publication, offering world-class, authoritative journalism related to governance issues across the African continent.

AIF is published by Good Governance Africa (GGA) and is based in Rosebank, Johannesburg. GGA conducts high-quality research to complement the building of more inclusive political settlements across the continent. GGA’s research is demand-driven and provides an evidence base for building practicable policies that enhance productive and allocative efficiency. GGA is passionate about solving the challenges of environmental degradation, climate change, and mass youth unemployment, which combine to undermine human security and ecological integrity.

Some of our subscribers will have access to the content of Africa Digital Databank (ADD), depending on their subscription. For more information regarding ADD, click here.

High-quality research is expensive to produce. We give you a great deal of value through your subscription to ADD (via AIF), and your support means we can keep bringing you high-quality research – and even expand what we do.

Online registration, subscriptions and cookies

How do I register or subscribe?

Click here to register for free. We will send you an email to verify your email address. Once you have registered you will have access to selected articles and content and will receive our email newsletter.

To subscribe, choose a package from the menus above. Once you have subscribed, you can manage your subscription via your profile – including checking the expiry date or next billing date, cancelling it, obtaining an invoice, updating your card details, or renewing a subscription.

We offer a 20% pensioner discount for readers older than 60. You will be asked to supply your identity number during the online subscription process. (No SA ID number? Contact us at +27 11 268 0479 or [email protected] to arrange your discount.)

Our payment partner, PayFast, is used by 80 000+ merchants from small business to large enterprises. PayFast is PCI DSS level 1 compliant (PCI DSS stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), which keeps your card information safe. PayFast also protects your information during transmission by using 256-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. Read more about PayFast’s security measures.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription via your profile or contacting us at +27 11 268 0479 or [email protected], 9am–4.30pm SA time (GMT +2) on weekdays.

I am having trouble registering, subscribing or signing in. Who do I contact?

Contact us at +27 11 268 0479 or [email protected], 9am–4.30pm SA time (GMT +2) on weekdays.

If you’re registered but you can’t sign in, check that you’re using the same email address that you used to register, and that you’ve got the correct password. You can also click here to reset your password.

I want to change my name, surname, password, package or email address. What do I do?

Once you’ve registered and signed in, you can edit your details via your profile, or set a new password.

To upgrade to another subscription package, please contact us at +27 11 268 0479 or [email protected]  for help.

How many devices can I access AIF with one subscription?

You’re allowed three device connections for each subscription you hold.

What are cookies and why do I need them to use AIF?

Cookies are tiny, harmless files used by websites to keep track of your personal preferences and settings – for example, remembering that you have already previously signed in and not asking you to do so again. If you do not have cookies enabled on your browser, some of the services and settings on AIF might fail.

Our call centre might sometimes ask you to clear your cookies. Read how to delete cookies in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari.

Why do you need my e-mail address?

Your email address is our unique identifier for your subscription.

When does my subscription expire?

If you pay by EFT, credit card or debit card, you will find your subscription end date on the letter confirming your subscription as well as on your renewal notifications, which we will send to you before the end of your subscription.

Email newsletters, comments, mobile apps and e-editions

How do I sign up for your email newsletters or unsubscribe from a newsletter?

When you register at no cost, you’ll be asked whether you’d like to receive any of our email newsletters. Once you’ve registered and signed in, you can manage your newsletter preferences via your profile.

My email newsletter has not arrived in my inbox. What do I do?

Check your junk/spam mail or rejected mail folder in case your mail server rejected the newsletter. If that is what happened, try to adjust your email settings. If you haven’t received it at all, email us at [email protected]

Is there an AIF app?

There isn’t an AIF app but watch this space for future developments

How do I read AIF e-editions?

The AIF e-editions are exact digital editions in magazine format. They can be downloaded and read via our website.

Editorial matters, errors and advertising

How do I contact AIF or GGA?

Check out the GGA contacts page for more specific guidance.

Otherwise, you can also email [email protected] with your query.

Who is the editor of AIF?

AIF editor, Susan Russell, has worked in the media industry for more than 30 years as a journalist, editor, publisher, and as a general manager.

How do I submit an opinion piece?

We do not publish opinion pieces already sent to other publications. Submitting an uncommissioned opinion piece is no guarantee that it will be published, and we reserve the right to edit all opinion pieces.

How do I submit a press release or an article suggestion?

You may email your press release or story idea to [email protected]. It will then be evaluated by our editor. (We don’t publish press releases, but they are considered for use in reports or features.)

How do I report an error on AIF?

Let us know if you spot any errors, big or small, so that we can correct them. Email [email protected] with a link to the article and explain the problem clearly and concisely.

How do I advertise on AIF?

Get in touch with Amanda Chetty from our Commercial Department on +27 11 268 0479 or [email protected]