Expert Analysis
Climate Change Act and the role of local government
South Africa’s response to addressing climate change has come full circle with the passing of the Climate Change Act in July 2024. This breakthrough comes at a time when South Africa is warming by approximately 0.2°C per decade, contributing to climate impacts ranging...
e-Services in South Africa exacerbate inequality through digital barriers
Like many countries, South Africa has adopted e-government systems to deliver information and municipal services. While the government has embraced digital tools to provide citizens with modern, seamless services, several barriers persist. These include digital...
Exploring the Impact of Conflict on Communities in the northern Mozambique – southern Tanzania Borderlands Region
Since October 2017, Cabo Delgado in Mozambique has been the focal point of a violent insurgency, resulting in widespread human rights abuses, significant infrastructure damage, and over 5,700 fatalities, including nearly 2,400 civilians. This conflict has led to the...
2024 Mozambique Election Tracker
It’s time to book for the 2024 ESG Africa Conference
It's time to book for the ESG Africa conference, an event hosted by ESG Africa Events in partnership with GGA. The 2024 conference will be held at the Sandton Convention Centre from 1 to 2 October 2024, and will focus on topics linked to Environmental, Social and...
Law must evolve as politics changes
Governance and politics often go hand in hand in a delicate balancing act. Governance in its most basic form is about the allocation of resources; it’s the process of deciding who gets what, when and where. Politics is largely about who is responsible for these...
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