Exactly how well, or not, is a municipality performing in terms of service delivery, leadership, planning and administration? Good Governance Africa (GGA) has launched a reliable tool to help you answer this question,...

Exactly how well, or not, is a municipality performing in terms of service delivery, leadership, planning and administration? Good Governance Africa (GGA) has launched a reliable tool to help you answer this question,...
South Africa’s system of local government is presently undergoing its most widespread sequence of changes since the introduction of a new system shortly after our transition to democracy. Politically, the 2021 local...
Local government in South Africa plays a vital role in the functioning of the state. Often seen as the implementation arm of the South African government, it is also the governmental sphere that most commonly operates...
At the forefront of debates about the functioning of local government in South Africa is a question of stability. This discourse is understandably dominated by the attention given to political aspects of instability in...
South Africa has a history of political violence, including a culture of violent protests and political killings. Historically, the violence is rooted in diverse drivers such as ethnic and tribal differences, and...
The impact of municipal maladministration and corruption on SA's local government elections In a briefing to the parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Accounts and the Standing Committee on the Auditor-General on...