The International Monetary Fund recently estimated the monetary value of ecosystem services—especially carbon sequestration—provided by one whale to be about $2 million over its lifetime. This underlines the...

The International Monetary Fund recently estimated the monetary value of ecosystem services—especially carbon sequestration—provided by one whale to be about $2 million over its lifetime. This underlines the...
Book review The Geography of Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Africa, 2019. Edited by Patrick Brandful Cobbinah and Michael Addaney The Geography of Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Africa provides a wide-ranging...
Africa contributes less than 4% of global carbon emissions, but is bearing the brunt of climate change The Group of Seven (G7) 47th summit was held in Cornwall in the United Kingdom from 11 to 13 June 2021. It was the...
Being forced to use generators to supplement erratic power supplies is a heavy burden for African business Menye Ndzana, a welder-cum-musician popularly known as Le Grand Barack, suddenly rose to national prominence in...
Africa’s rural poor are reliant on biomass for cooking and heating, exposing them to high levels of pollutants As COVID-19 wreaks havoc across continents, an unfashionable killer silently and stealthily chokes the life...
Malawi is investing heavily in a new coal-fired plant despite the country’s stated commitment to renewables. Malawi plans to bankroll a coal-powered plant despite current worldwide disdain for using the fossil fuel....