“I was entrusted to a woman who wanted a servant in Cotonou. I got up at 5am and worked about 18 hours a day. I spent two years with my employer without being able to speak with my parents. I suffered a lot of physical...

“I was entrusted to a woman who wanted a servant in Cotonou. I got up at 5am and worked about 18 hours a day. I spent two years with my employer without being able to speak with my parents. I suffered a lot of physical...
Togo: the German legacy Togo’s accession to the modern age of international politics could be said to have begun in July 1884, when the protectorate treaty with Germany was signed In 1883, the German chancellor, Otto...
The government’s plans to tax the country’s informal businesses is costing jobs For a long time, Togolese authorities have praised the informal sector for the role it has played in keeping the country’s economy afloat...