Ailing and failing

Ailing and failing

The Nigerian president’s battle with ill-health means he is struggling to fulfil his election campaign promises Joseph Adeyeye Nigeria is battling a bloody Islamic insurgency in its northern region, a secessionist...

A flawed legacy

A flawed legacy

The outgoing Angolan president José Eduardo dos Santos has managed to dilute his own legacy, undermining his own achievements and those of his country At the end of September 1979, the Angolan ruling party presented...

The president who would be chief

The president who would be chief

Many say president Jacob Zuma will become known as the man who presided over the demise of one of Africa’s oldest liberation movements President Jacob Zuma’s presidential style has undermined the South African...

Selfish luxury, selfish greed

Selfish luxury, selfish greed

Despite presiding over one of Africa’s richest countries, Equatorial Guinea president Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogois the very model of an African dictator Wilson Johwa Equatorial Guinea’s president, Teodoro Obiang...

How long is too long?

How long is too long?

Data analysis shows that the longer current heads of state rule, the higher the levels of corruption and the more extensive their powers become It is, unfortunately, not unusual to hear of a head of state staying in...