Gunboat diplomacy

Gunboat diplomacy

China’s stakes in marine bases across Africa are unsettling the world’s major and minor powers, and could force the continent’s countries to take sides African countries may face harsh choices in what could become a...

Playing both sides to win

Playing both sides to win

Africa is a just a political pawn in China and Japan’s superpower rivalry; the continent needs to up its game strategically to benefit from the Asian nations’ need for its political backing, and resources The growing...

Namibia’s rocky relationships

Namibia’s rocky relationships

Despite concerns around corruption and looting of environmental resources, Namibia is determined to forge stronger bonds with Eastern nations, especially China and North Korea Namibia has preached non-alignment and...

Reducing aid, upping trade

Reducing aid, upping trade

Asian investment into Africa totals billions, but the continent needs to focus less on commodities to keep the cash coming As Africa reduces its reliance on aid as its traditional source of finance, it positions itself...