When COVID-19 first struck, South African policymakers reacted promptly and implemented one of the world’s strictest lockdowns for five consecutive weeks. Despite that, and a slow release of the...
When COVID-19 first struck, South African policymakers reacted promptly and implemented one of the world’s strictest lockdowns for five consecutive weeks. Despite that, and a slow release of the...
Book review: In the Jaws of the Crocodile: Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Rise to Power in Zimbabwe. By Ray Ndlovu, Penguin Books, 2018 In the Jaws of the Crocodile is an exciting account of the coup that shuffled Robert Mugabe...
African media: where to? High data costs, internet shutdowns, fake news and constant technological disruptions are plaguing Africa’s media. Yet many in the sector are hopeful Across the African continent, media are...
African media: where are the marketers? Marketing is vital in identifying how to monetise not only digital platforms but also traditional media This has been particularly evident in the continent’s newspaper industry,...
UNCTAD’s claims that commodity producers in several African countries are deliberately misinvoicing exports to hide illegal capital flight are mostly based on faulty data In July 2016, the United Nations Conference on...