SDG 7: affordable and clean energy Africa is making progress with efforts to provide people with electricity, but much more needs to be done to advance the use of cleaner cooking By Joe Walsh As a whole, Africa has...

SDG 7: affordable and clean energy Africa is making progress with efforts to provide people with electricity, but much more needs to be done to advance the use of cleaner cooking By Joe Walsh As a whole, Africa has...
SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth The ogre of corruption looms over Africa, reducing the continent’s chance of meeting SDG 8 by 2030 By Tom Osanjo According to the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the Sustainable...
Africa: migration The lived experiences of migrants in Africa tell stories of isolationism and segregation within host countries Africa’s long history of migration and population movements is well documented. Since the...
UNCTAD’s claims that commodity producers in several African countries are deliberately misinvoicing exports to hide illegal capital flight are mostly based on faulty data In July 2016, the United Nations Conference on...
Ivorians must decide whether a constitutional amendment is required to deal with ethnicity and citizenship In October 2016 Côte d’Ivoire will hold a referendum on constitutional reforms. While President Alassane...