Youth: Fighting COVID-19 their way Africa’s young people are using resourcefulness and new technologies to engage and make a difference in the battle against the virus As Africa continues to battle COVID-19, the...

Youth: Fighting COVID-19 their way Africa’s young people are using resourcefulness and new technologies to engage and make a difference in the battle against the virus As Africa continues to battle COVID-19, the...
Africa's collective electricity supply is bedevilled by weak legal frameworks and regional rivalry An estimated 580 million Africans lack access to electricity, three quarters of the global total. The International...
Peace journalism: West Africa Conflict-sensitive journalism must ensure inclusive and impartial coverage, with the media fulfilling a role as “appeasers” The media today have a considerable influence in society. They...
Transnational brokering: a complex web Businesses and criminal syndicates have both violated United Nations arms embargoes, sometimes with the collusion of corrupt state officials Arms brokering or inter-mediation is a...
By Simon Allison Ironically, Africa’s chronic economic underdevelopment may now be its greatest opportunity. After so many decades of sluggish economic growth and lagging far behind other continents, Africa can be...
Elections should bring peace, not war. But for the past 15 years, whenever voters in Côte d’Ivoire went to the polls, ballots turned to bullets. After the 2010 election sparked the latest civil war, tensions remained,...